Yes, of course, you can regrow wheatgrass a second time and even a third. But remember that the nutritional value drops significantly.

Moreover, the success of this action depends on how you plant the sprouted wheatgrass seeds. To regrow wheatgrass would be best to plant seeds deep into the soil. So, planting containers should be deeper to give more space for roots to grow well. But as I've written before, this way requires more soil, which is inappropriate for me, as it dramatically increases the cost of growing wheatgrass at home.

I use another method of planting sprouted seeds, spreading them above the soil. And if I will regrow wheatgrass, I most likely get fungus or even mold in the trays than get some benefits of regrowing.

Of course, I experimented and tried to regrow wheatgrass several times. But, results told me that it is not worth it.

The First Harvest of Wheatgrass

Black round planting tray with a small white label on it: "01/20/22"; inside the tray soil with perfect wheatgrass blades; ready for harvesting.
The First Harvest of Wheatgrass.

I've marked the planting tray by label "01/20/22". Wheatgrass is ready for harvest. So, I cut the blades and squeezed juice.

A measuring cup with about 120 ml freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice.
120 ml of the healthiest liquid chlorophyll.

You can see in the picture that I can squeeze out about 120 ml of wheatgrass juice from one planting container, which is more than enough for two people a day.

The planting tray with the label after the first cutting off wheatgrass blades under the grow lamp.
Let's speed up the growth process a bit.

I placed a planting tray back under a grow lamp to speed up the wheatgrass regrow process. After 6-8 days, it will be possible to cut it off again.

The Second Harvest of Wheatgrass

Black round planting tray with a small white label on it: "01/20/22"; wheatgrass has regrown and is ready for second harvesting.
Is it ready for the Second Harvest?

There area couple of my thoughts and comments about the process of regrowing wheatgrass.

  • Immediately after cutting off the blades, it began to grow again.
  • But a couple of days later, I began to notice that wheatgrass blades looked thinner than before, thinner than they grow at the first time. Even under the same growth conditions.
  • Although the blades did not seem yellow like overgrown, they weren't as bright saturated green as wheatgrass from the first harvest.
  • In some places of the tray, I noticed the appearance of a fungus "blue fuzz," which, of course, made me sad.

The planting tray with regrown wheatgrass after cutting off the blades.
The Second Harvest, weak yellowish blades and "blue fuzz."

So, after seven days, I decided to harvest until the blades began to turn yellow and the fungus covered the whole tray.

White round deep plate with cut-off wheatgrass blades.
Not too much wheatgrass second time!

As you can see in the picture above, there are not as intense bright green blades as they used to be. You may also notice that there are not a lot of them, and they are tiny. Sorry sight!

Collage of two pictures, two measuring cups with squeezed wheatgrass juice, there is more juice in the left cup than in the right cup. Two notices: on the left "1st Harvest", on the right side "2nd Harvest."
120 ml of juice vs. 50 ml, who's the winner?

I could squeeze even less wheatgrass juice than I expected - less than 50 ml. So I spent energy on the grow-lamp, some water, and most importantly, the space on my not-so-big kitchen. Just for 50 ml? So sad!

Let's look closer.

The process of regrowing wheatgrass is working, but not for me, not in my case. Why?

  1. Worse quality of the juice - the wheatgrass blades are weaker and lighter (closer to yellow), which tells me about the lower content of chlorophyll;
  2. Less juice - because the blades are thinner, I can squeeze out less juice than I usually do;
  3. The process becomes more complicated - due to the fungus ("blue fuzz"), so I need to rinse wheatgrass blades before squeezing them out;

Although, to be honest, all these negative moments are only due to how you are planting sprouted wheatgrass seeds.

In my case, the roots do not have enough space to grow for the second harvest. That is why the blades are so weak the second time. Also, wheatgrass seeds above the soil will rot after 10-15 days; even I'll keep the tray in the perfect growing conditions.

So, if you plant sprouted seeds in other ways, such as deep in soil using a deep planting tray, you will probably get a better result than I got.

Keep in mind that when you regrow wheatgrass a second time, the quality of such juice will be poor - the wheatgrass juice of the second harvest contains significantly fewer vitamins and minerals than the juice of the First Harvest.

Sure, you can experiment with regrowing wheatgrass, as I did. But do it once and forget about it! Let's not complicate this simple fantastic process of growing wheatgrass for ourselves.

Black round planting tray with cut-off wheatgrass blades; glass measuring cup with squeezed wheatgrass juice; wheatgrass pulp on the right side, and a couple of small shots. Everything on the wooden cutting board.
I prefer the healthiest freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice of the First Harvest.

But, I prefer the most healthiest freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice of the First Harvest. By the way, do you know that you can reuse this soil? Read details in this post: What to do after cutting wheatgrass?

Anyway, Good luck with your experiments with regrowing wheatgrass!