The purpose of this step:
The seeds have given great roots; the sprouts grew up very well in the two days I kept them under the lids. I am on the home stretch now. The main goal of this step is to give the wheat sprouts everything to grow faster. They need a little, but they need control.
But do not forget what is essential for us; only the first wheat sprouts, not the wheat crops. As I said earlier, "Do not complicate the process!"
In short, they need a little: light and water. That's it. Let's deal with light first.
Does wheatgrass need sunlight?
The answer is "Yes and No." Do you need direct sunlight? "No, you don't need it." Will be enough indirect sunlight. Can wheatgrass grow in the dark? "No, either!" Like any other plant.
The holy process of photosynthesis, when organic elements appear from inorganic elements, occurs with the participation of chlorophyll. But it happens only(!) under the influence of sunlight.
From my practical experience, the best place to grow wheatgrass is near the window, under indirect sunlight.
Of course, you can put it in direct sunlight. But in that case, you need to pay more attention to watering the wheatgrass. You will need to water less amount but more often.

I keep containers of wheatgrass on the shelves next to the window on the east side. So, in the morning, sprouts of wheatgrass stay under the sun until 10-11 am. And then at 3-5 pm, when I come home from work, I turn on the grow lamp by the following day. Then, in the morning, before leaving for work, I turn it off.
How can I make wheatgrass grow faster?
By the way, applying to grow lamps accelerates the growth process of wheatgrass at this step. I made one experiment special for you guys by placing one container under the grow lamp and leaving the other just on the shelf in the shade.
Of course, the process is not accelerated twice. Because the growth period of wheatgrass is not so long, but still the result is obvious.

How much do you water wheatgrass?
It depends on how you plant seeds and in what conditions it grows. For example, I spread sprouted grains directly on the soil, and I grow wheatgrass at home, not outside. So, I water wheatgrass sprouts only once a day in the morning using my spray bottle.

How often should you water wheatgrass?
From my experience, it is enough to water once a day. I do this in the morning before breakfast. But if you have time, you can water every 12 hours, in the morning and the evening, but in this way, use much less water.
Which way is better? I can not tell exactly; wheatgrass grows well anyway. It would be logical to think that it is better more often, but less water. Mainly because of the water that needs to be absorbed into the soil. The less water in the container, the easier it is to keep sprouts from mold. But anyway, because of the container's drainage, all excess water will seep out after watering.
But please note you have to water at least twice a day if wheatgrass is in a dry room or outdoors. Otherwise, the seeds that spread right on the soil will dry, and all roots sprouting from them will dry too.
Does wheatgrass need drainage?
If you grow wheatgrass in soil like me, your planting containers should have drainage. If you got containers without holes, make them: pierce, drill, burn, but drainage must be!

Here are some reasons why containers for wheatgrass need drainage. If they don't have it:
- The fungus or even mold can start to grow;
- Roots can start to rot;
- You cannot water sprouts from the bottom;
When watering without drainage, wheatgrass seeds and sprouts are prone to becoming overwatered, which will lead to growing fungus or mold. Fungus is not so dangerous, and you can still consume wheatgrass for juice after rinsing in water. But mold is much more severe. Do not risk your health; throw away these wheatgrass sprouts. Do not forget to clean and sterilize the container before reuse.

Later, water will reach the bottom. And the roots will constantly be in the water, more correctly say in the mud. There they will start to rot. Probably the wheatgrass won't die, but it will grow slow. And when you take soil off from the tray, you will smell what I'm talking about. There will be a terrible stink, like from a toilet. Can you drink juice from such wheatgrass ?! Can such a wheatgrass juice be called healthy?!

In the last few days of step 4, wheatgrass sprouts so tall but not enough for harvesting. When I water them, water does not flow down and reach the soil, only the sides of the tray. But it is much more comfortable, easier, and faster to water wheatgrass from the bottom, right in the tray's lid. It is a fantastic sight to watch how the water rises to the roots right before my eyes. It won't lift more than necessary, the seeds and sprouts will dry, and the roots will be in moist soil.

Day 5 - Day 8 (Morning & Evening)
- Every morning and evening, I check up the seeds, move the tall sprouts on the sides; check-up for mold or fungus;
- I water using a spray bottle or at the end of the step, I water from the bottom lid;
- On the seventh-ninth day, the sprouts have reached the required length, I'm ready to start harvesting;
Well, that's it, the sprouts of my wheatgrass have reached a length of 6 inches (about 15 cm). With proper watering and lighting, at the end of step 4, the sprouts look very juicy, thick, and dark green, which means full of chlorophyll, which I need.
Harvest time!
At the end of Step 4:
Every morning without exception, I have a new tray with fresh wheatgrass, which asks for the juicer.

Go to STEP 3 | STEP 4 | Go to STEP 5