There can be only two reasons: either you are late with the harvest or disrupted the growing process. Let's take a closer look at these reasons.

Harvesting should begin when the blades of the wheatgrass are 6 inches long. The wheatgrass of this length and the next couple of days is the richest in color, the sweetest taste, and the most sweet-smelling. Once the wheatgrass reaches 8.5-9 inches, the tops and bottoms of the crops begin to turn yellow.
Later the wheatgrass shoots begin to lean over. Then, of course, it's better not to drink such wheatgrass anymore, put it in a composter. There it will be more beneficial to you!

The second reason is if you disrupted the process of growing wheatgrass. For example, is there enough light, are you watering enough, or may you pour it over? Maybe mold has formed on the wheatgrass.
As I said already, the process of growing wheatgrass at home is simple. You need to follow some rules and not break them. Here are some factors which affect the quality of wheatgrass:
- the correct choice of the wheatgrass seeds;
- the correct germination procedure;
- the method of planting sprouted seeds;
- temperature, humidity, illumination;
I talk about all these factors on this web resource. So every word, every sentence, every paragraph, and article are based on my personal practical experience.
You can read shortly about the whole process of growing wheatgrass at home here: How difficult is it to grow wheatgrass at home? Then, based on this article, try to determine where you have significant differences with the ideal growing conditions for wheatgrass. And try to fix them.
Can you eat yellow wheatgrass?
It is best to avoid yellowed wheatgrass shoots. The wheatgrass juice squeezed from these shoots won't be so rich green, and the taste will be altered, not so sweet or even bitter.
If I suddenly made a mistake and got several trays at once ready for harvesting, I am not greedy. And I don't wait for the wheatgrass blades to turn yellow; I make the juice a couple of times a day. Only better for me!
If you do not want to squeeze wheatgrass more than once a day, then I can advise:
- put extra trays with wheatgrass in the fridge; this will help slow down the growth for a couple of days;
- you can cut off the wheatgrass blades, and put them in a plastic vacuum bag, and leave them in the fridge;
- or you can squeeze out extra wheatgrass juice and freeze it in the freezer; this way can help you to preserve the maximum amount of all vitamins and enzymes;

Although, of course, there is nothing better than freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice, but not defrosted or diluted from dry powder. So what I'm going to tell you; try to figure out how you have a new tray of wheatgrass ready to harvest for each day!